
Celebrating 60 Years

Throughout 2023, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Canada celebrates 60 of supporting young people. Since 1963 over 500,000 people have registered to do the Award, and thousands more have been involved through leadership, governance, and support.

Commemorating our past and building our future

Our 60th anniversary celebrations are for all members of our community past and present. It’s a moment in time to bring together our diverse community and remember what the Award has meant for so many.


Our aim is to emerge from this year stronger than ever. Striving to become the program of choice for helping young people discover and develop their infinite potential. To reach this aim, we invite you to join us in our mission to strengthen the Award. With your knowledge and experience, we will continue to build upon our legacy and continue to give more young people the chance to thrive.


As an organisation, our Alumni and support networks are one of our biggest strengths. You are part of our community, and our future. Our 60th Anniversary will be an opportunity  to connect with other Award Alumni, share your journey and be part of our year-long celebrations in 2023.


The Award is dynamic and continues to respond to the needs of our young people and their communities. It continues to evolve while staying grounded in the values that established it as the world’s leading youth self-development and achievement framework.


We are proud of what we accomplished over the past 60 years and together, with our Award community we will continue to ensure that all young people can participate in the Award.

How to Get Involved

Over the coming year, we are planning several events, engagement opportunities, and awareness campaigns that we are excited to share with you.  Stay tuned for more information on our 60th Anniversary Celebration calendar of events!


We hope you join us in October 2023 as we celebrate the impact of the Award!


Share your Award Story with us! We are looking to share stories of how the Award has impacted so many individuals over the last 60 years.

Share Your Award Story Here

Make it known that it’s our 60th Anniversary, and take part in this momentous milestone! Use the hashtags #Award60 #Prix60 and tag us @dukeofedcanada.

60 Stories Celebrating 60 Years of Impact

Throughout the year we will be featuring 60 stories from participants, Award Holders and Volunteers on how the Award has impacted their lives. Be sure to check back throughout the year as we share more incredible stories.

Supporting Grade 8 Transitions August 26, 2024

Why the Award is Awesome

Imagine a world where your hobbies and passions are your superpowers, where every adventure, new skill learned, and helping hand extended earns you international recognition that screams "awesome" to universities and future employers.

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Adventurous Journey (AJ) Leaders of Today Skills Supporting Grade 8 Transitions August 25, 2024

Cool Activities Spotlight, Ian’s Award Story

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Leaders of Today Physical Recreation Skills Supporting Grade 8 Transitions Voluntary Service August 25, 2024

Cool Activities Spotlight: Jon’s Award Story

Jon has an incredible story to share about his experience with the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Jon tried new things and became passionate about activities that were new to him.

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young people working with sticky notes
May 23, 2024

Award Canada is excited to announce its Co-curricular Strategy

Award Canada is transforming secondary education by integrating co-curricular experiential learning into existing frameworks. In partnership with educational stakeholders, the Award is addressing skill gaps, fostering student engagement, and validating non-formal learning.

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Leaders of Today Life After the Award September 28, 2023

Join me in making a difference

Award Holder networking event

In this open letter to Award Holders from Alex Li - Director of Youth and Alumni, he is inviting Award Holders to join him at a Shoreline Clean Up as part of Award Awareness Week.

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April 06, 2023

Becoming Self Aware, Vito’s Award Story 

Vito is a Bronze and Silver Award achiever Holder and Gold participant from Quebec who has become self-aware from participating in the Award, here is his story.  

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March 31, 2023

Reaching Goals through Motivation, Jordan’s Award Story

Meet Jordan, a Silver Award Holder and Gold Participant from Manitoba. Jordan started the Award through Girl Guides, and it became a way to help her push her limits and reach her infinite potential.  

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March 24, 2023

Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset, Justin’s Award Story

Meet Justin, a Bronze and Silver Award holder from Ontario. Justin used opportunities promoted by the Award experience to develop a passion for software development and grow an entrepreneurial mindset.

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We want to hear from you!

Have a story you want to share? Follow the the link below to share your Award Story with us!