Cool Activities Spotlight, Ian’s Award Story

Ian is a Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Achiever from Ontario. His Award was completed as an independent participant through the Virtual Award Centre. Ian developed an interest for developing personal passions and expanding his interests with the outdoors.  

“My journey started in Grade 9 when I heard about the Duke of Edinburgh from a family friend and could not have possibly imagined the journey ahead of me. Almost two and a half years later, I have completed the Award and cannot believe how much I have developed as a person since beginning the Award. 

My Award experience can be shared using these three experience highlights:  


Skill One of my favorite skills I developed was during my Silver Award, I was learning how to take aerial photos and videos with my drone. I learned everything from planning my flight to conducting shoots to photo and video editing. More than a year later, I have taken this passion to the next level and have started my own drone photography business, Floato. 


Gold Project
My Gold Project was attending SHAD – a prestigious STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) and entrepreneurship program for students across Canada. This opportunity allowed me to learn more about my educational interests and to connect with hundreds of students across Canada all over the span of a month.  


Gold Adventurous Journey 
My Gold Adventurous Journey was sailing with Brigs! A six-day journey on their brigantine was definitely a life-changing experience. As someone who gets seasick easily, batting this barrier was not something that was easy to overcome during my journey. However, by the end of the week, I got to sail Lake Huron, one of Ontario’s best Great Lakes, learn new seamanship skills – attaining the rank of Lead Crewhand, and make lifelong friends. This journey taught me how to persevere despite difficult circumstances and how to collaborate with others! 


“If I had to choose one thing that my experience with the Duke of Edinburgh Award taught me most, it would be that the greatest commitments that one can make are long-term ones. You should inquire about joining the Award because my experience with the Award has taught me so much and I have developed individual passions that I still pursue today. The Award has helped me grow as a person and has helped me develop into the leader I am today.”
– Ian, Gold Award Holder 

We are so proud of Ian for exploring interests and going outside of his comfort zone to earn the Gold Award.  


We encourage you to become involved with the Award: Click Here to register to become a Participant. 

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