Co-curricular Pilot Integrates SHSM

Award Canada’s Co-curricular Pilot in Ontario aims to celebrate and support students earning their Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) diploma. The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a specialized high school program that allows students to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and focus their learning on a specific economic sector at the same time. 


Links to SHSM: 

Did you know that Award Canada and SHSM are available to students in all pathways – apprenticeship, workplace, college or university?   

Award Canada will be working with industry and educators for students to customize their learning, validate their interests, and become celebrated for their chosen pathways.   


Earn the Award and SHSM Certifications at the same time: 

Students reflect and track their valuable SHSM learning experiences, such as certifications in SHSM, to build and develop a portfolio. For this reason, Award Canada is offering a Portfolio Development Certification as part of students in SHSM doing the Award. 

Award Canada’s experiential learning framework shares the philosophy of a youth centric, mentorship approach to learning.  Award Canada keeps students’ interests and aspirations at the forefront, helping them develop their unique strengths and passions and foster a sense of ownership and relevance.   

The Award personalizes and empowers student interests and learning to support the development of transferable skills.  We believe students and educators in SHSM are authentically completing components of the Award and want to be intentional with those connections to highlight and celebrate this work on an international accreditation level. 

We appreciate the collaboration with SHSM volunteer educator leads throughout Ontario to design a meaningful and relevant learning experiences with Award Canada and local partners.  Please contact Educator Consultant, Laura Briscoe,, if you are interested in learning about how to connect your SHSM students with Award Canada’s Co-curricular Approach pilot initiative. 

Learn More about SHSM and the Award

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