Cool Activities Spotlight: Brenna’s Award Story

Getting Started  

“The Award was introduced to my school when I was in grade 10. I was strongly encouraged by a few teachers and some of my friends to join. It wasn’t long after those conversations that I became highly excited about this new opportunity. Before I learned the program, I was a little overwhelmed by all the components, but my mind was put at ease almost immediately. After attending the first meeting, I was overcome with a sensation of creativity, “What will I choose for my new skill?”, “Where will I go for my trip?” I don’t think I even registered half of the information presented to me during that time after hearing about all the places people have gone for their Adventurous Journeys. As I went to sleep that night, I couldn’t help but dream about my endless selection choices for all the Bronze Level Award categories, but little did I know how much this program had in store for me.  



One of the most challenging factors was what I would decide to do for my new Skill. A few caught my eye while scrolling through what seemed like endless options. I could’ve learned guitar, enhanced my extremely rusty sewing skills, or even learned to bake. Then, I saw Bible Study as an option, and I had to do a double-take. I would never have thought that could even be a skill, but I knew that would be perfect for me. I will never pass up an opportunity to expand my knowledge of religion. I did a series of different Bible plans, learning more daily and challenging my friends. It became inspiring and educational!  


Service and Physical Recreation  

The other Award requirements came easy; I played nearly 10 hours of basketball each week to fulfill the Physical Recreation requirement. I also volunteered weekly for various organizations in my school and community to fulfill the Service requirement. The ease of using the app helped me log my hours and provided a visual of my progress.  

“One of the great things about Duke of Edinburgh Award is that you can apply goals to the current or new activities to meet the requirement and nothing feels better than achievement.” 

  • Brenna 




Adventurous Journey  

As I worked towards my goals, I couldn’t help but glance at the Adventurous Journey section from time to time, dreaming of all that the trip would be. My favorite part of this program was, by far, the Adventurous Journey. It was such an excellent chance to meet people I would never have associated with in the past and grow the friendships I already had with people on this trip. As we were all gathered around the fireplace making spider dogs and s’mores, sharing our life stories, and playing games, I knew I had made the right decision in choosing to participate in this one-of-a-kind program. I learned so much and had the time of my life. It was the perfect balance of being active, learning wilderness skills, embracing nature, and being social.   


“I don’t think I’ll be able to describe how much fun I had while preparing, practicing, and finally getting to partake in the expedition.” 

  • Brenna 


The Duke of Edinburgh Award has taught me more in a little over a year than I have learned in my whole life. A club has never been more inspiring, motivating, or amusing. I can genuinely say that I will never have another high school experience as this program has offered me. The memories are unmatched, and the friendships will last forever. It has motivated me to do so much more in my life: volunteer more, continue learning new things, push myself, go outside of my comfort zone, meet new people, set achievable goals, always stay ambitious, and for that, I am eternally grateful.” 

The Award is inspired by Brenna for her inspiration and excitement for new challenges. We are excited for Brenna to continue with The Award.  


Thank you to Brenna for sharing your story, we hope it inspires you to become involved with the Award. Click Here to register to become a Participant. 

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