Getting Started
Julia was interested in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, but she attended a public school that didn’t offer an Award Centre. Trying to set up a Center at her school was difficult but she decided to start a club. From there the 15 participants joined the Award’s Virtual Award Centre where they were able to participate as independents. Having support in-person with other peers was beneficial for Julia to stay encouraged and engaged.
Areas of the Award
Julia has been a Pianist for some time and she chose to continue to integrate what she was already doing into the Award. She expanded this hobby to include song writing. Her piano teacher was helping give prompts and taught her how to navigate the recording process. He was an outsider perspective who offered feedback and support.
Julia developed a passion for The Award and wanted to support the club at her school and the peers participating in it. She helped to set up meetings, did extra research and offer non-official support to peers. A highlight while serving in this role was being able to take on a leadership role for the Adventurous Journey. Julia most enjoyed hearing how the trip enriched the lives of her peers and was a uniquely memorable experience for them all.
Julia had an interest in working out and capitalized on having a close connection with a body builder who was able to help her get started and learn techniques for working out. Julia’s goal was to hike the Grouse Grind, a Vancouver landmark, within an hour. After 3 months of training, she was able to accomplish this feat. Julia learned that through healthy habits, she was able to successfully achieve her physical goal.
“I think it is a really great program, it supports what you already do while keeping you accountable to goals.”
- Julia, Silver Award Participant
Adventurous Journey
Julia’s AJ experience was beneficial in unexpected ways. She held a leadership role in planning the camp and since there were individuals who were new to camping but enjoyed the experience; Julia found this to be rewarding. Backpacking is an exciting hobby but can be intimidating to people who are unfamiliar with it; everyone on the trip felt accomplished and walked away with positive memories. The trip was a bonding experience for the group and a Julia looks forward to more outdoor excursions in the future.
Why Others Should Join
Julia is a Bronze achiever and is currently working on the Silver level. Her plan is also to complete the Gold Level! Julia believes most people are already doing activities in the areas required but the positive reinforcement that comes with completing the Award is immeasurable. The Award is independent, and the community is welcoming. Julia would like to also become a volunteer to support other participants.
We are so proud of Julia, and excited to watch her achieve the goals she sets!
Thank you Julia for sharing your story, we hope it inspires you to Join the Award, Volunteer with the Award, or Become an Award Centre.
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