New for 2024

Award Delivery Playbook

This Playbook was designed to help ensure Award Centres and participants are set up for success. This Playbook will guide you through the elements necessary to deliver the Award within your school, tailored for the academic year. With a clear emphasis on delivery, you can confidently lead your participants towards completing their Award, setting them up for future success.


The AJ Navigator is the main resource to help you navigate the AJ.


With our Award Delivery Playbook, you’re not just implementing a program – you’re helping participants embark on a journey of transformation. Join us in empowering youth to unlock their potential, achieve their goals, and become future leaders!


Pre reading material: School Activities Implementation Guide Complete List of Resources

September to October (Months 1-2): Set up

Welcome to the exciting launch phase of your Award Centre journey! Let’s ensure a smooth start by leveraging the resources and support at your disposal as you set the stage for a rewarding and transformative experience ahead. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey – we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Weeks 1-2

Award Centre Setup Checklist

Note: These resources are designed to provide an engaging and straightforward introduction to the Award without overwhelming the details, igniting participants’ enthusiasm from the start. We recommend using the Session Zero PowerPoint as it incorporates most items. Ideally, this introduction would be scheduled in May/June before the school year starts or in September, so teachers can work with grade 8’s to introduce the Award before summer vacation.

If you are doing participant recruitment, feel free to utilize our participant recruitment zip folder, our participant brochure, our blog, and/or Session Zero/the Information Session.  

Supplemental Resources

  1. Guide to Completing the Award: Summary of Award Requirements
  2. An Overview of the Award Journey: Award Canada Participant Guide
  3. Award delivery handbook 
  4. Award Leader Online Record Book Guide

Weeks 1-2

Participant Registrations Checklist

  • Before hosting the info session below, send out an email to all participants with the link to register. In participants tab in ORB, clicking ‘Invite Participants’ allows you to share a link with participants to register directly with your Award Centre or with a specific Award Leader that automatically fills out relevant information for them.

  • Keep track of any missing registrations leading up to the info session.

  • Send/email this Playbook to participants and parents so they can follow along. (Optional)

  • Create and assign a label on ORB for this cohort of participants.

Whether it’s in class or at home, participants can register at their convenience, before or after the info session. You can also do registrations in May/June before the start of the academic year in September if you wish. 

Supplemental Resources

  1. Best Practices: General tips for all areas of the Award that other Award Centres have found effective. This is a great resource to read at the very start.
  2. View our current opportunities and grants webpage 
  3. AwardProgram Flexibilities. 

Weeks 1-2

Host an Information Session Checklist

  • Decide on a date, time and who is facilitating the information session.

  • Utilize our PowerPoint Template and update it to fit your Award Centre.

  • Present to students about the Award using the PowerPoint Template, including showing participants how to set SMART goals, how to write a log and add it to their activity on ORB, and the role of an Assessor and how to choose them.

You can utilize the Info Session as participant recruitment if needed. Can do an evening info session for parents and a lunch session for participants. If presenting to parents, let them know about the deadline for Award submission (March/April) for their participant to have their Award recognized at the end of year Celebration!  

Supplemental Resources

  1. Implementing school activities into the Award 
  2. Award Activity Zone
  3. Award Canada Way Infographic
  4. Smart Goals Worksheet: A worksheet you can use with participants that shows how to create a SMART goal. 
  5. How to Set Up an Activity on ORB (Video) 
  6. How to add a Log to Your Activity (Video) 
  7. Assessor Overview
  8. Who is an Assessor webpage
  9. How to Choose and Reach out to an Assessor
  10. Logging Examples and Understanding ORB Hour Counting 
  11. Volunteering ideas for young people under the age of 16

Weeks 1-2

Reinforce the Activity Zone Checklist

  • Email a link to the Award Activity Zone to all participants with a quick explanation and reminder that they will need to have their Major set up on ORB by the end of week 4. This is crucial to reinforce the variety of activities they can do and to spark their interest.

  • In the same email, email participants the link to the Does Your Activity Count Resource. This will help them understand how to choose their activities and help you as a Leader approve them.

Weeks 1-2

Establish Support Checklist

  • Inform participants of a designated area or virtual space where students can easily access support and guidance from you throughout their Award. Giving check-ins a purpose with clear timelines and targets throughout the year improves participant engagement, keeping interactions fun and easy. 

  • Email/inform participants about the Award AI Chat Bot for them to ask questions, examples, and materials to help them.

  • Set up a Buddy System and/or Award Mentor System – great options for participant peer support.

Weeks 1-2

Adventurous Journey (AJ) Planning Checklist

  • Begin AJ planning. Utilize the AJ Navigator to assist with AJ planning, including dates for AJ training, practice & qualifying journeys, and any advanced booking, permissions, budgets, booking sites, transportation, accommodation, or obtaining necessary permits if required. While not mandatory, it’s advised to initiate planning during the second or third week of September to ensure adequate time for preparation, with the recommended timeframe for the Practice Journey in September-November, and the Qualifying Journey November onward. 

  • Review AJ Navigator to help with AJ planning.

  • Communicate with the Award Coordinator to ensure risk management has been thoroughly covered risk assessment, necessary training, emergency responses and procedures, appropriate insurance, and participants are prepared and ready.

Note: Immersing participants in a significant and memorable experience right away like the AJ encourages participants to work together, creates bonds, generates enthusiasm and excitement, therefore making participants more engaged and eager to continue with other sections of the Award.

 Supplemental Resources

  1. AJ Library of Examples: Ideas and real-life examples of Adventurous Journeys, all to help inspire and assist in your journey planning. 
  2. Leading with Adventure: Check out our Activity Zone for ways participants can build their Award around the Adventurous Journey! 

Weeks 3-4

Major Section Set Up Checklist

  • Ensure all participants have their Major section set up on ORB (SMART goal and Assessor details mandatory).

  • Approve their Major section, SMART Goals, and Assessors on the ORB. 

Note: Our studies show that logging four or more entries in one section first results in an 80%+ chance of completion, supporting our view that early focus on one section significantly boosts overall program completion. 

Weeks 5-8

Approvals and ORB Management Checklist

  • By the end of October, ensure all participants have all three sections (Physical Recreation, Service, Skill) set up and in progress on ORB. 

 Supplemental Resources

  1. ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview: Keep up to date on your participant’s progress. 

For the above link to work, you need to be already logged in to ORB. If you aren’t already logged in, it will make you log in and bring you to the regular dashboard. 

Weeks 5-8

Adventurous Journey (AJ) Practice Journey (PJ) Checklist

  • Conduct the Practice Journey for the AJ with participants between September and November. This timeframe is not mandatory but recommended for optimal participant readiness.

 Supplemental Resources

  1. AJ Navigator: On this platform you will find guidelines, resources, templates, outlines, best practices, examples and more to assist with successfully and safely completing each stage of the Adventurous Journey.

November-February (Months 3-6): Midpoint Milestones

As we progress through the November to February phase, our focus shifts towards closely monitoring participant engagement, reviewing, and adjusting goals, and setting the stage for future success. This period is crucial for ensuring participants remain committed to their chosen activities, aiming to support participants in overcoming challenges and celebrating achievements thus far.

Additionally, preparing participants for the next half of their journey ensures sustained motivation. This section outlines the key actions and checkpoints necessary for maintaining momentum and fostering continuous growth during this pivotal time.

Monitor Participant Progress Checklist

  • Ensure participants are participating in chosen activities for Skill, Physical Recreation, and Voluntary Service, ensuring they are regularly updating activity logs on the ORB. 

  • Send bi-weekly or monthly email reminders to prompt participants to log their activities, emphasizing that logging doesn’t need to take long—just two minutes a day.

  • Utilize the spreadsheet under the ORB Lab, ‘Awards Progress Overview’. It’s a powerful way to view participant progress. Watch the video tutorial linked in this section if you need help.

 Supplemental Resources

  1. ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview: Keep up to date on your participant’s progress. 
  2. Calculating Logged Hours Video 

For the above link to work, you need to be already logged in to ORB. If you aren’t already logged in, it will make you log in and bring you to the regular dashboard.  

Adventurous Journey (AJ) Qualifying Journey (QJ) Checklist

  • Initiate qualifying journeys for AJ participants from November onward. This timeframe is recommended for Qualifying Journeys (QJ) but not mandatory.

Supplemental Resources

  1. AJ Navigator: On this platform you will find guidelines, resources, templates, outlines, best practices, examples and more to assist with successfully and safely completing each stage of the Adventurous Journey. 

March (Month 7): Continue Monitoring Progress and Initiate Award Submission

As you move into March, your focus remains on monitoring participant progress and ensuring they stay on track for completion in June. This phase emphasizes ongoing support and guidance to ensure every participant can successfully complete their Award.

Monitor Participant Progress Checklist

  • Continue to monitor participant progress, ensuring they are regularly logging on the ORB. Utilize the ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview.

  • Send bi-weekly or monthly email reminders to prompt participants to log their activities.

Supplemental Resources

  1. ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview: Keep up to date on your participant’s progress.
  2. ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview Tutorial Video 
  3. Best Practices: View the section in our best practices for tips on how to help participants that are stuck. 
  4. Reviewing Award Revision Notes Video 

Submitting Awards for Verification Checklist

  • Email the two videos to participants on how they can submit logs to their Assessor, and how they can submit their Award to their Award Leader. Let them know if the Assessor doesn’t sign, they can re-send and/or check to make sure the email address is correct.

  • When the participant completes their last log and sends to their Assessor, once the Assessor has done their report for that section, it will automatically be sent to the Award Leader. If all the requirements for that section have been met, approve that section. If you cannot get the Award to be approved, please reach out to your Account Manager, or the Support Centre if it’s an ORB issue.

  • Ensure participants are submitting Awards for verification if all requirements are met. Keep in mind the deadline for participants to have their Awards submitted for verification is the end of April. 

  • Review and approve sections as they come in. 

Supplemental Resources

  1. Award Authorization Checklist: A checklist for Award Centres when reviewing participants’ completed Awards. 

April (Month 8): Wrap-Up and Prepare for Celebration Planning

As your participants draw near to their conclusion of their journey with the Award, it’s a time for celebration. This phase is dedicated to honouring the perseverance, achievements, and personal growth each participant has demonstrated.

In planning your celebration, aim to highlight the individual and collective milestones achieved that allow everyone’s experiences to be shared. This celebration is not just an end, but a bridge to future adventures, encouraging participants to reflect on their learnings and how they can be applied in their continuing journey of self-discovery and development.

Award Completion and Submission Checklist

  • All participants have completed their activities in their three activity sections.

  • Ensure all participants Awards are submitted for verification.

  • After the Award Leader has approved all sections, the participant must log into their account one last time to send the whole Award to their Leader for final approval, as well as fill out the personal reflection on their Award experience. It is a good idea to let participants know of this, whether in an email or another way.

Supplemental Resources

  1. ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview: Keep up to date on your participant’s progress.
  2. ORB Lab Activity Progress Overview Tutorial Video

Celebration Planning Checklist

  • To prepare for celebration planning with the Award Coordinator, ensure that: all participants’ ORB is up to date, verify award readiness, and validate the accuracy of logs.

  • Check that contact details in the ORB are correct for certificate issuance.

  • Coordinate with the Award Coordinator to assess the number of participants completing the Award simultaneously and plan celebratory activities.

Supplemental Resources

  1. If your Award Centre need help planning a celebration, please reach out to your Account Manager.
  2. A Guide for Bronze & Silver Celebrations: If you need support planning a celebration, this document provides helpful guidance.

May-June (Months 9-10): Complete Award Celebration Planning and Celebrate Participant Achievements!

In May, you finalize celebration planning, ensuring every detail is in place for a seamless and memorable event. Let’s ensure that participants and attendees alike have an unforgettable experience as you celebrate their accomplishments!

In June, you come together to celebrate participants’ Award journeys. Let’s recognize their achievements, express gratitude to the Award Centre team, and acknowledge the impact of this transformative experience.

Read more

This moment serves as an opportunity for participants to ascent to the next level of their Award journey. Let’s ensure the celebration is not only a memorable acknowledgement of achievements but also an opportunity to highlight the path forward. It’s time to recognize the bonds formed, the lessons learned, and to step boldly towards new horizons, with the Silver Award beckoning as the next adventure.

Complete Celebration Planning Checklist

  • Coordinate with the Award Coordinator to ensure the celebration plans are finalized.

  • Work with the Award Coordinator to determine who is ordering recognition materials from Award Canada and ensure recognition materials are ordered. Keep in mind the deadline to order recognition events is 2-3 weeks before your scheduled event.

Award Celebration Checklist

  • Host celebration for Award Holders

  • Recognition and thanks to Award Centre team

  • Share celebration on Award Centre website and/or social media pages

  • If applicable, communicate your availability over the summer to participants, notify those participants who you won’t be supporting about alternatives to do the Award (Join a different Award Centre, Virtual Award Centre (VAC), and let Gold graduates know that they should change their email to one they have access to so they can receive Gold Ceremony emails. 

Note: If there isn’t an opportunity for the participant to continue with your Award Centre and they do not want to continue their Award, please archive these participants. Should the participant wish to start their Award up again, at a later date, they will need to join another Award Centre or VAC and their new leader can fill out the transfer form to reactivate and move their Award to their new Award Centre.

Supplemental Resources

  1.  Award Canada Social Media Hashtags: #AwardCanada/#LeprixCanada, #InfinitePotential/#Unpotentielinfini, #AwardCelebration/#Célébrationduprix, #WorldReady/#Prêtpourlemonde