Award Activity Zone

Build On Your Hobby

Tik Your Tok (Social Media)

If you’ve ever dreamed of being like your favorite content creator or influencer, this is your chance to shine! From creating content to building your personal brand, there’s a world of opportunities waiting for you to explore. So, grab your camera, craft your captions, and let your creativity shine!

How the Award will get you there:

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour per week to creating and editing YouTube videos. I want to improve my video editing skills so I’ll watch videos on new techniques to do so.

Example Assessor: Family friend.

ORB Category: Hobbies

ORB Subcategory: Others: Content creation.

Example log for ORB: Started filming a music video with my friend to one of our favourite songs. It was so much fun! We need to finish filming and then I’ll start editing.

Example SMART Goal:I will engage in at least one social media fitness challenge per week for the next 13 weeks, committing to daily physical activity and sharing updates with my social media followers. I want to improve my overall fitness and be healthier.

Example Assessor: Family friend who will view my progress through my Instagram posts.

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Training

ORB Subcategory: Personal Training

Example log for ORB: Did a 10-minute ab workout video I found on YouTube today. For the other 50 minutes I did another video I found for a full body workout. I had to take breaks in between, but I think if I keep going, I will be able to stop without so many breaks!

Example SMART Goal: I will dedicate 2 hours per week for 13 weeks to promoting social causes and awareness campaigns on social media to support initiatives that align with my values and beliefs.

Example Assessor: A community leader who can view my progress on my social media.

ORB Category: Leadership

ORB Subcategory: Coaching/Teaching

Example log for ORB: Today I created an Instagram page for a place to start posting social causes. I made my first post about ways people can help fight climate

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity: Explore and document the local neighborhood through vlogs. Each vlog can focus on a specific theme or aspect of the neighborhood, such as history, culture, community, or hidden gems. It’s like becoming neighborhood detectives, uncovering all its secrets and sharing them with the world!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: Teacher