Award Activity Zone

Build on Your Hobby

Tarot Tea (Tarot and Crystals)

Whether you’re into tarot readings, crystal healing, or yoga meditation, this theme invites you to explore the mystical and magical side of life.

How the Award will get you there:

Example SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour per week to researching and learning more about healing crystals. I aim to be able to identify and explain 15 crystals.

Example Assessor: English teacher

ORB Category: Hobbies

ORB Subcategory: Others: Crystals

Example log for ORB: Today I learned about placing my crystal under the light of the sun or moon and that burying them in the earth allows it to be recharged for energy! I usually always keep my crystal in my pocket with me for positive energy, but I’m excited to try these new things.

Example SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will spend 1 hour per week working on my yoga meditation with my crystals. I aim to anchor the meditation’s intention and enhance the energy and focus of the session using my crystals.

Example Assessor: Gym teacher

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Programs

ORB Subcategory: Yoga

Example log for ORB: Started off today by doing some stretches and the downward dog. It was tough but I feel myself getting more flexible. I also used my crystals and ended off with some mindfulness meditation.

Example SMART Goal: I will spend 1 hour every weekend for 13 weeks giving horoscope or tarot card readings to nursing home residents. I’ll be reading tarot books in my spare time and using new skills to help the nursing home residents.

Example Assessor: Nursing home coordinator

ORB Category: Voluntary Service to Other People

ORB Subcategory: Others: Horoscope Readings

Example log for ORB: Did 5 horoscope readings at the nursing home today. It felt so nice to see the residents engaged, asking questions, and complimenting my cards!

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity:  Embark on a magical crystal quest with your team! Start by gathering your favourite crystals and setting an intention for your adventure. Choose a local park or trail and bring along a notebook to document your journey. Look up your daily horoscope for guidance and carry a single tarot card or small deck with you. As you explore, pay attention to how your crystals feel in different spots, and jot down your observations. Draw a tarot card at key points for messages or guidance and reflect on how they relate to your experience. This adventure combines the mystical world of crystals, horoscopes, and tarot with the excitement of exploring new places in real life!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: A friend’s parent