Award Activity Zone

Build On Your Hobby

Got Those Beats on Repeat (Music)

Whether you’re a seasoned instrumentalist or just picking up your first guitar, here you can explore the magic of music. From jam sessions with friends to showcasing your talent, there’s a world of opportunity waiting for you to strike the perfect chord. So, grab your instrument, make a beat, unleash your creativity, and let the power of music guide you!

How the Award will get you there:

Example SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour per week during band class at school to improving my clarinet skills. I will do this by actively practicing my speed and pitch, getting feedback from my band teacher after each class.

Example Assessor: Band teacher

ORB Category: Musical Instrument

ORB Subcategory: Clarinet

Example log for ORB: Noticed a challenging clarinet passage from the upcoming concert and set a goal to master it for improved performance.

Example SMART Goal: I will work on my strength for 13 weeks, dedicating 1 hour per week assisting the band teacher with setting up, moving, and arranging band equipment for school events, ensuring that all necessary equipment is handled with care.

Example Assessor: Principal

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Programs

ORB Subcategory: Others: Lifting.

Example log for ORB: Helped set up band equipment before the school assembly and put it back afterwards, ensuring that all equipment was safely stored.

Example SMART Goal: For 13 weeks, for 1 hour a week I will teach the neighbours kid the basics of the clarinet and how to read music. We’ll go over basic scales, hand positions, and sheet reading so they can play an easy song in a couple months.

Example Assessor: Neighbours parent

ORB Category: Leadership

ORB Subcategory: Coaching/Teaching

Example log for ORB: Today I taught my neighbour breathing exercises for the clarinet. He’s eager to learn how to play his first instrument.

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity: Take a trip to a local music store to learn all about different instruments! Chat with the staff to find out how each instrument is made and how they produce sound. It’s like going on a musical adventure and discovering the secrets behind the music!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: Owner of the music store