Award Activity Zone

Build on Your Hobby

Let Yourself Cook (Cooking)

Are you a foodie at heart, passionate about cooking, or always seeking inspiration in the kitchen? Dive into the world of cooking or baking! From learning new recipes to making your own cookbook, there’s a wide range of opportunities waiting for you to explore. Get ready to turn your love for cooking into a pathway towards exciting culinary adventures!

How the Award will get you there:

Example SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will spend 1 hour each Sunday afternoon trying out a new recipe, incorporating diverse ingredients and cooking techniques to improve my culinary skills.

Example Assessor: A family friend who likes to cook.

ORB Category: Crafts

ORB Subcategory: Cookery

Example log for ORB: Prepared and cooked a new lasagna recipe for dinner. I didn’t know I didn’t have to boil the lasagna noodles beforehand. It was tasty, next time I will incorporate this and see how the taste changes.

Example SMART Goal:For 13 weeks, I will spend 1 hour per week cycling to the nearest grocery store and back to get ingredients for my parents. I want to improve my fitness levels and be quicker.

Example Assessor: Family friend who likes to bike.

ORB Category: Outdoor Recreation

ORB Subcategory: Cycling

Example log for ORB: Took the scenic route to the grocery store today and got garlic for my mom. My legs only hurt a little bit after!

Example SMART Goal: I will volunteer at the local soup kitchen for a minimum of one hour per week over the next 13 weeks, helping with meal preparation, service, and cleanup to support the kitchen and serve individuals in need within the community.

Example Assessor: The volunteer coordinator at the soup kitchen

ORB Category: Charity

ORB Subcategory: Food bank/Soup kitchen.

Example log for ORB: Helped chop vegetables and prepare ingredients for today’s meal. It was satisfying to see the meal come together. Served 15 bowls of soup today! Cleaned up the serving area afterward.

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity:  Talk to street food vendors and learn about cuisines from around the world! Interview them to find out about the delicious dishes they serve and the cultures they come from. It’s like going on a tasty journey and exploring the diverse flavors of street food!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: Street food vendor