Award Activity Zone

Build On Your Hobby

Serving Lewks (Makeup)

Let your passion for beauty become the canvas for your dreams! Whether you’re experimenting with new looks, perfecting your skills, or sharing your artistry on social media, your love for makeup holds the key. So, gather your brushes, blend your colors, and let your imagination run wild as you express yourself through the power of makeup!

How the Award will get you there:

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour each week to practicing my makeup skills, experimenting with different looks that showcase creativity.

Example Assessor: Parent of a friend who likes makeup.

ORB Category: Arts and Design

ORB Subcategory: Others: Makeup.

Example log for ORB: Tried a new makeup tutorial inspired by summer, using colourful eyeshadows to create a look with glow. Experimented with winged eyeliner techniques as well. I forgot to use primer and my makeup didn’t apply as smoothly, though.

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 13 weeks, I will spend 1 hour per week doing various dances to improve my dancing skills inspired by drag performances.

Example Assessor: Gym teacher

ORB Category: Dance/Gymnastics

Example log for ORB: Worked on the contemporary dance today! Focused on my use of breath and body awareness. Had a great workout!

Example SMART Goal: I will volunteer to do makeup makeovers for the local retirement home once a week for 13 weeks, creating looks that reflect their personal style.

Example Assessor: Parent of a friend

ORB Category: Voluntary Service to Other People

ORB Subcategory: Others: Makeovers.

Example log for ORB: Provided makeup makeovers for an event at the retirement home, creating looks for the elderly attending the event. Received compliments and thanks for enhancing their confidence. 

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity:  Explore the world of makeup by visiting stores like Sephora and MAC Cosmetics! Compare the products they offer, the experiences they provide, and how their stores are set up. Then, use what you learn to create a presentation on how to run a beauty store. It’s like becoming beauty detectives and discovering the secrets behind your favourite makeup shops!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: Sephora employee