Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Summit Ascent: Conquering Nature’s Cliffs

What I’m into. Whether I’m tackling steep faces, conquering overhangs, or navigating intricate routes, rock climbing is my ultimate adventure, where every climb brings a sense of accomplishment and a rush of adrenaline.

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: To embark on a 2 day/1 night backpacking and rock-climbing adventure, combining outdoor skills, endurance, and technical climbing abilities.

Mode of activity: Backpacking and rock climbing.

Environment: Wilderness with rock climbing routes.

Route idea: Trek to base camp, nestled by epic climbing spots. Pick climbs that match your skills and goals. Climb using cool techniques, stay safe, and chat with friends. Chill at camp each night, plotting your next move. Wrap up after the last climb, think back on all the awesome stuff you conquered.

Preparation idea: Research wilderness areas with climbing opportunities. Obtain permits and follow Leave No Trace principles. Assess skills and fitness level. Pack backpacking and climbing gear, including safety equipment. Practice wilderness and climbing safety techniques. Coordinate logistics and emergency procedures with partners.

Review idea: Reflect on climbing achievements and challenges. Document experiences and lessons learned. Share highlights through photos or journal entries. Celebrate accomplishments and set new goals for future adventures.

Example activity: Strength Training

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will increase my overall strength and muscle endurance by consistently attending strength training sessions at the gym three times a week, aiming to achieve a 20% improvement in my maximum lifting weights.

Possible Assessor: Gym teacher

Example Log: Today, I focused on compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, feeling stronger and more confident in my progress towards my strength goals.

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Programs

ORB Subcategory: Weightlifting

Example activity: Wilderness Survival Skills

Example SMART Goal: Over the next six months, I will learn about wilderness survival techniques by watching YouTube videos, learning skills such as rope rescue, first aid in remote environments, and navigation, so I can be more comfortable in the outdoors.

Possible Assessor: Outdoor Education Teacher

Example Log: Today, I learned how to tie various knots and set up anchor systems for rope rescue scenarios, feeling excited to apply these skills in real-world situations.

ORB Category: Environment/Nature

ORB Subcategory: Other -> Outdoor Survival Skills

Example activity: Tree planting and maintenance

Example SMART Goal: In the next four months, I commit to volunteering for a minimum of 30 hours in tree planting and maintenance activities, participating in planting native trees, watering saplings, and removing invasive species to contribute towards conservation efforts.

Possible Assessor: City Volunteer Coordinator

Example Log: Today, I spent five hours planting saplings and mulching around newly planted trees.

ORB Category: Environmental

ORB Subcategory: Tree planting and maintenance