Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Exploring Nature: Delving into Nature's Realm

What: I’m totally into the adventure of exploring the great outdoors and learning about nature. It’s all about observing animals in their natural habitats, taking photos of cool plants, and discovering nature! Whether I’m doing research in forests, studying ecosystems in lakes, or learning about rock formations, exploring nature is where I want to be!

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: To explore nature, observing animals, capturing photos of plants, and research different ecosystems.

Mode of travel: Hiking

Environment: Various outdoor locations, including forests, lakes, and rocky terrain.

Route idea: Embark on outdoor adventures, hiking through forests, studying ecosystems in lakes, and exploring rock formations. Observe animals in their natural habitats, photograph unique plants, and soak in the beauty of nature. Document discoveries and observations along the way.

Preparation idea: Research outdoor destinations and ecosystems. Pack hiking gear, camera equipment, field guides, and supplies for outdoor activities. Check weather forecasts and prepare for variable conditions. Plan for safety and emergencies.

Review idea: Reflect on nature experiences, compile photos and observations into a journal or blog. Share insights with fellow nature enthusiasts and consider contributing to conservation efforts or nature education initiatives

Example activity: Trail Running

Example SMART Goal: Over the next four months, I will improve my trail running endurance and technique by completing a minimum of three trail runs per week, gradually increasing my distance to consistently run 10 kilometers without stopping.

Possible Assessor: Running Coach

Example Log: Today, I conquered a challenging 8-kilometer trail with varied terrain, focusing on pacing myself uphill and maintaining a steady pace, feeling exhilarated and closer to my goal.

ORB Category: Athletics

ORB Subcategory: Running

Example activity: Science Research

Example SMART Goal: I’m interested in becoming a scientist! Over the next six months, I will learn more about scientific research and analysis techniques by completing an online course in science research. I’ll use these skills to help me on my Adventurous Journey!

Possible Assessor: Science Teacher

Example Log: Today, I started an online course on scientific research methods, learning about experimental design and data analysis, feeling excited to delve deeper into the world of research.

ORB Category: Environment/Nature

ORB Subcategory: Other -> Scientific Research Skills

Example activity: Caring for School Garden

Example SMART Goal: In the next three months, I commit to volunteering for a minimum of 15 hours to care for the school garden, including planting, weeding, watering, and maintaining the garden beds.

Possible Assessor: School Volunteer Coordinator

Example Log: Today, I spent a few hours watering the plants and pulling out weeds in the school garden, enjoying the peacefulness of being surrounded by nature while contributing to the school community.

ORB Category: Environmental

ORB Subcategory: Caring for public school or garden