Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Tech Odyssey: Exploring the Future of Tech

What I’m into: Exploring my neighbourhood and city through robotics is my idea of fun! I can’t wait to explore the world of robotics and AI, uncovering the different ways these technologies are changing our daily lives!

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: Embark on a 2-day city adventure to explore the exciting world of robotics and AI, discovering how technology shapes our urban environment.

Mode of travel: Foot and Public Transit

Environment: Urban

Route idea: Begin by visiting local science centers, tech museums, or university/college  labs showcasing robotics and AI projects. Participate in workshops where you can build and program simple robots or explore AI applications in everyday life. Take guided tours of tech companies or attend talks by industry professionals to understand real-world applications of these technologies. Wrap up each day with group discussions to reflect on new discoveries and insights.

Preparation idea: Research city locations offering teen-friendly robotics and AI experiences. Brush up on basic robotics concepts and coding skills through online resources or workshops. Coordinate transportation and ensure parental/guardian supervision or approval for the journey.

Review idea: Journal about each day’s experiences, noting favorite moments and lessons learned. Share highlights with friends and family through social media or a group chat. Set personal goals for further exploration of robotics and AI interests, whether through coding clubs, STEM camps, or online courses.

Example Activity: General Fitness

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I aim to engage in at least one hour of cardio workouts per week, focusing on activities such as running, cycling, and swimming, gradually increasing intensity and duration to improve overall fitness and stamina.

Possible Assessor: Gym teacher

Example Log: Today, I finish a 30-minute run around the neighborhood, focusing on maintaining a steady pace.

ORB Category: Athletics

ORB Subcategory: General Athletics

Example Activity: Robotics

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will get better at robotics by going to weekly Robotics Club meetings and dedicating additional time outside of meetings to work on a project to build and program a robot arm.

Possible Assessor: Robotics Club Advisor

Example Log: Today, I attended the Robotics Club meeting and learned about different types of actuators used in robot arm designs. After the meeting, I spent two hours researching servo motors and began building the arm using cardboard and servos.

ORB Category: Life and Vocational Skills

ORB Subcategory: Other -> Robotics

Example Activity: Charity Fundraising

Example SMART Goal: Over the next six months, I will help plan a fundraiser with the goal of raising $1000 for a local STEM organization that helps people have access to robotics in school.

Possible Assessor: Volunteer coordinator at the STEM organization

Example Log: Today, I helped plan the charity fundraising event by looking for potential places to have our fundraiser.

ORB Category: Charity

ORB Subcategory: Fundraising for a charity/group/school