Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Fighting Climate Change Head-on!

What I’m into: Exploring my city while learning about climate change solutions is my idea of an epic adventure! I can’t wait to learn more about how cities are fighting climate change!

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: Go on a 2-day city adventure to explore climate change solutions, discovering how cities are adapting and fighting climate change.

Mode of travel: Foot and Public Transit

Environment: Urban

Route idea: Start by visiting local environmental organizations and sustainable initiatives! Participate in workshops or guided tours that show green technologies and sustainable practices. Explore city parks and urban gardens to learn how green spaces contribute to fighting climate change. Go to exhibitions on climate change to learn from experts and activists. End each day with group discussions to reflect on what you’ve learned and how you can apply it in your own community.

Preparation idea: Research city locations offering climate change education and sustainable living. Learn basic concepts of climate change and sustainability through online resources or local workshops. Plan your transportation routes and ensure parental/guardian supervision or approval for the journey.

Review idea: Journal about each day’s experiences, noting favorite moments and lessons learned. Share highlights with friends and family through social media or a group chat. Set personal goals for further involvement in climate action, such as joining an environmental club, participating in community clean-ups, or starting a sustainability project at school.

Example activity: Yoga

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will attend yoga classes twice a week, focusing on improving flexibility, strength, and mindfulness, with the goal of reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Possible Assessor: Yoga instructor

Example Log:

Today, I participated in a one-hour yoga class, focusing on deep stretches and mindful breathing.

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Programs

ORB Subcategory: Yoga

Example activity: Climate Change Advocacy with Youth Organization

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will actively engage with my local youth organization dedicated to climate change advocacy, attending monthly meetings, organizing educational events, and participating in outreach campaigns to raise awareness and promote sustainable actions in my community.

Possible Assessor: Youth organization leader

Example Log: Today, I attended a youth organization meeting focused on climate change initiatives. I volunteered to help organize a community event to promote sustainable living practices and brainstormed ideas for educational workshops.

ORB Category: Life and Vocational Skills

ORB Subcategory: Community and School

Voluntary Service: Community Clean-Up Campaigns

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will participate in bi-weekly community clean-up campaigns organized by local environmental groups, dedicating my time to cleaning up our local community!

Possible Assessor: Community clean-up coordinator

Example Log: Today, I joined a community clean-up campaign at the local park. I spent two hours picking up trash and weeding with other volunteers.

ORB Category: Environmental

ORB Subcategory: Working a clean up campaign