Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Dancing and learning our way through the city!

What I’m into: Discovering the vibrant world of dance while exploring my city is my idea of an epic adventure! I can’t wait to learn about different dance cultures and styles within the urban landscape! 

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: Embark on a 2-day city adventure to explore various dance styles and cultures, enhancing teamwork, resilience, and cultural awareness through dance workshops, performances, and urban exploration. 

Mode of travel: Foot and Public Transit 

Environment: Urban 

Route idea: Start by visiting a contemporary dance studio for a workshop, followed by a picnic lunch in a park. Next, head to a cultural dance center for a traditional dance workshop, then break and navigate to a hip-hop dance workshop at an urban studio. Finish your day at your accommodation, cook your dinner, and rest up for the next day. On the second day, participate in a morning stretching session in a park, then join an open-air dance class or community event. Visit a historic dance landmark or museum, have lunch at a cultural food market, and embark on an urban dance scavenger hunt. Prepare a final group performance, perform it in a public space, and end with a wrap-up reflection session before heading home. 

Preparation idea: Research city locations offering dance workshops and cultural dance experiences. Learn about different dance styles and their cultural significance through online resources or local classes. Plan your transportation routes and ensure parental/guardian supervision or approval for the journey. 

Review idea: Journal about each day’s experiences, noting favorite moments and lessons learned. Share highlights with friends and family through social media or a group chat. Set personal goals for further involvement in dance and cultural activities, such as joining a dance club, attending more dance events, or organizing a dance workshop at school. 

Example activity: Modern Dance 

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 3 months, I will improve my modern dance technique by attending a weekly 1-hour class, practicing an additional 2 hours each week at home, and performing a solo routine for my dance class by the end of the term. 

Possible Assessor: Dance teacher 

Example Log: Learned new floor work techniques; struggled with transitions but improved by the end of the class. 

ORB Category: Dance/Gymnastics 

ORB Subcategory: Modern 

Example activity: Creating TikTok and YouTube videos to promote our dance group 

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 3 months, I will create and upload one TikTok and one YouTube video each week to promote our dance group, aiming to increase our followers by 50% and engagement by 30% by the end of the term. 

Possible Assessor: Communications Teacher 

Example Log: Came up with 10 new video ideas; created a posting schedule for TikTok and YouTube. 

ORB Category: Communications 

ORB Subcategory: Filmmaking and Video Production 

Example activity: Volunteer assistant dance coach 

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 6 months, I will assist in teaching the beginner dance class at my studio twice a week, focusing on improving my leadership and coaching skills, and will receive feedback from the dance studio owner at the end of each month to track my progress. 

Possible Assessor: Dance studio owner 

Example Log: Helped students with stretching and basic steps; received positive feedback on my engagement with kids. 

ORB Category: Leadership 

ORB Subcategory: Coaching/Teaching