Award Activity Zone

Lead With Adventure

Urban Jungle Expedition

What I’m into: I’m into the idea of a cycling trip into the nearest city, exploring how areas take care of nature and animals. Cycling trips for conservation and animal care will help us understand the path to greener cities!

Jerry never had an interested in fitness. Jerry was always the unathletic kid in school and didn’t participate in formal recreation sports. When it came to choosing a Physical Recreation activity he was stumped. Jerry decided to take a shot in the dark and try cycling. Looking back Jerry says “this decision was one of the best he’s ever made.” There's an unparalleled sense of freedom, exploration, and adventure when Jerry is on the bike.

Jerry, Bronze Award Holder

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: To learn about the relationship between urban life and nature, conservation efforts and animal welfare!

Mode of travel: Cycling.

Environment: Urban.

Route idea: Embark on a cycling trip from home, exploring neighborhoods and urban areas that prioritize nature and animal care. Capture photos showcasing green spaces, wildlife habitats, and community initiatives. Engage with locals to learn about conservation efforts. Stay at a local hostel in the city and explore the other side of the city the next day before going home!

Preparation idea: Research city’s green initiatives, cycling routes, and photography techniques. Check weather and plan for biking. Pack camera gear, snacks, water, and essentials. Budget for meals and potential expenses.

Review idea: Reflect on the day’s experiences, compile photos into a visual story. Share insights through a photo album, blog, or video. Seek feedback from peers and supervisor. Consider submitting photos to conservation or photography platforms.

Example activity: Cycling

Example SMART Goal: Over the next four months, I will increase my cycling endurance by regularly biking at least 10 kilometers per week, gradually increasing the distance and speed, with the goal of completing a 30-kilometer cycling challenge in one day.

Possible Assessor: Gym teacher

Example Log: Today, I biked 8 kilometers along the water, enjoying the fresh air and scenery.

ORB Category: Outdoor Recreation

ORB Subcategory: Cycling

Example activity: Animal Husbandry

Example SMART Goal: Over the next six months, I will develop my animal husbandry skills by volunteering at a local farm, learning to care for livestock, feed animals, and maintain their living environment, with the goal of demonstrating proficiency in handling and caring for animals.

Possible Assessor: Farm Manager

Example Log: Today, I helped in feeding the chickens and cleaning their coop, learning about their dietary needs and behavior.

ORB Category: Environment/Nature

ORB Subcategory: Animal Husbandry

Example activity: Volunteering at local animal shelter

Example SMART Goal: In the next four months, I commit to volunteering for a total of 40 hours at the local animal shelter, helping with animal care tasks such as feeding, cleaning, and socializing with animals, contributing to their well-being and adoption readiness.

Possible Assessor: Volunteer Coordinator

Example Log: Today, I spent the afternoon playing with shelter dogs, helping them socialize and relieve stress!

ORB Category: Animal Welfare

ORB Subcategory: Assisting Organizations Caring for Neglected Animals