Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Sports Spectacular: Explore City's Athletic Scene

What Iā€™m into: I love basketball ā€“ the Raptors are my team! I’m hyped for the adventure of going to different basketball courts across the city, traveling on foot and using public transportation with my team. Plus, we’ll track our journey with photos and notes on the condition of each court.

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: To explore basketball culture across the city while bonding with my team.

Mode of travel: Walking and public transportation.

Environment: Urban.

Route idea: Begin by traveling on foot and using public transportation to visit different basketball courts across the city. Document the condition of each court through photos and notes, noting any improvements or issues. Bond with the team over shared love for basketball and the Raptors. Return home in the evening, reflecting on the day’s court-hopping adventure.

Preparation idea: Research basketball courts and public transit routes in the city. Pack essentials such as a camera, notebook, snacks, and water. Check weather conditions and dress appropriately. Plan for potential expenses.

Review idea: Reflect on the day’s experiences, compiling photos and notes into a report. Share insights with the team and discuss potential improvements. Consider submitting findings to local authorities or basketball organizations.

Example activity: Basketball

Example SMART Goal: By the end of the season, I will improve my free throw accuracy to 80% by practicing shooting for 30 minutes daily so I can score points during games.

Possible Assessor: Basketball coach

Example Log: Today, I shot free throws for 45 minutes, and I could feel my form getting better with each shot.

ORB Category: Court/Field Sports

ORB Subcategory: Basketball

Example activity: Video editing for basketball highlights on YouTube

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will make and upload one basketball highlight video per week, incorporating editing techniques to attract more viewers and subscribers to my YouTube channel.

Possible Assessor: IT Teacher

Example Log: I spent the afternoon editing my latest basketball highlights video, adding slow-motion effects to make the dunks look even more epic.

ORB Category: Communications

ORB Subcategory: Other -> YouTube Video Editing

Example activity: Volunteer basketball coach assistant

Example SMART Goal: Over the next six months, I will help my elementary school coach during practice sessions and before and after games, improving my leadership and communication skills.

Possible Assessor: Basketball coach

Example Log: Today, I helped with passing drills at practice, and I could see them improving their teamwork and coordination.

ORB Category: Leadership

ORB Subcategory: Coaching/Teaching