Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Zombie Survival Training: Preparing for the Apocalypse

What I’m into: You know what would be fun? Preparing for the zombie apocalypse with my team, strategizing our survival while exploring through the city on foot and using public transportation. We’ll document our journey with photos and notes on strategic locations, from fortified buildings to hidden shelters. This journey is the ultimate survival adventure, where every step and decision could mean the difference between life and… well, you know.

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: To survive and escape the city that is infested with zombies, using your wits, skills, and resources.

Mode of travel: Walking and running.

Environment: Urban.

Route idea: Escape the city from a safe house, aiming for a rescue zone on the outskirts. Navigate streets, alleys, and buildings, dodging zombies and scavenging supplies. Find shelter to rest and plan. Day two, push towards the landing zone, facing more undead and obstacles. Reach the helicopter before it’s too late.

Preparation idea: Research city layout, landmarks, and routes. Learn survival skills and check weather and radio frequencies. Pack essentials, snacks, and water. Plan meals and budget.

Review idea: Reflect on the journey, share experiences with the group, and document the adventure through journaling, videos, or comics. Share feedback and consider publishing your story to inspire others.

Example activity: Martial arts

Example SMART Goal: By the end of the year, I will achieve a yellow belt in karate by attending at least three classes per week, aiming to improve my discipline, flexibility, and self-defense skills.

Possible Assessor: Martial arts teacher

Example Log: Today, I practiced my roundhouse kicks during sparring. Learn some new moves too!

ORB Category: Martial Arts/Self Defence

ORB Subcategory: Karate

Example Activity: LARP Adventure with Friends

Example SMART Goal: By the end of three months, my friends and I will participate in LARP activities twice a month! We’ll use things like Dungeons and Dragons for ideas. I will be responsible for organizing these LARP activities for our group to build leadership skills!

Possible Assessor: Drama teacher

Example Log: Today, my friends and I embarked on an epic D&D LARP adventure where we successfully completed a dragon-slaying quest. We worked together seamlessly, and everyone had a blast. I’ve started brainstorming ideas for our event next month!

ORB Category: Games

ORB Subcategory: Role Playing Games – Live Action

Example activity: School garden volunteer

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I will spend at least 20 hours volunteering at the community garden. I will be planting, weeding, and watering to grow food and help make our community’s summer BBQ happen!

Possible Assessor: Garden Coordinator

Example Log: Today, I helped plant new seeds in the garden!

ORB Category: Environmental

ORB Subcategory: Caring for a public school or garden