Award Activity Zone

Lead with Adventure

Hiking Adventure: Exploring Nature's Wonders

What I’m into: I’m into the excitement of hiking and discovering new trails. It’s all about pushing myself enjoying amazing views from the top of mountains.

Throughout my time with the Duke of Edinburgh Award, I have learned that I can accomplish a lot more than I think I can, just by having the right mindset. Until last year, running was one of my least favorite activities, but I chose to challenge myself for my Silver level. Now, I can run 5km in 30 minutes, and I look back and wonder why I ever thought it would be impossible!

Evangelina, Bronze and Silver Award Holder

How the Award will get you there:

Goal: To hike and navigate through a challenging mountain trail, using your outdoor skills, endurance, and preparedness.

Mode of travel: Hiking.

Environment: Mountainous.

Route idea: Kick off your hike from the mountain’s base, gathering with your pals at the trailhead. Summit’s the goal by sundown, but watch out for steep climbs, rocky paths, and changing weather. Stay on track with maps and markers, keeping energy up and taking breaks when needed. Reach the top for stunning views, then camp out for the night. Day two? Descend back to the trailhead, soaking in nature’s beauty along the way.

Preparation idea: Before you hit the trail, study up on its challenges and gear up accordingly. Sturdy boots, layered clothing, and a well-packed backpack are key. Check the forecast, share your plans, and pack extra for safety.

Review idea: Look back on your journey, noting highs, lows, and lessons learned. Capture memories with photos or journal entries. Share your experience with friends and consider spreading the inspiration through blogs or social media. You’ve conquered the mountain – celebrate your adventure!

Example Activity: Trail running

Example SMART Goal: Over the next three months I will spend 1 hour per week improving my trail running, with the aim to increase my trail running by completing a 3-kilometer trail run without stopping.

Example Assessor: Gym teacher

Example Log: I ran through a trail in my local park today. I was only able to run for 3 minutes without stopping. I hope next time I can go 4 minutes without stopping!

ORB Category: Athletics

ORB Subcategory: Running

Example Activity: Survival skills

Example SMART Goal: Over the next six months, I will develop my survival skills by researching how to build a shelter, navigation skills, map reading, and more.

Example Assessor: Outdoor education teacher

Example Log: Today I researched the basics of how to navigate using a compass. I learned that you’re supposed to hold your compass flat with the direction of travel arrow pointing away from you and directly at the landmark.

ORB Category: Environment/Nature

ORB Subcategory: Other -> Outdoor Survival Skills

Example activity: Clean Up Local Trails Near School with Friends

Example SMART Goal: By the end of three months, my friends and I will organize and participate in trail clean-up events near our school twice a month, aiming to collect at least 50 bags of trash and recyclables to improve our local environment and foster community spirit.

Possible Assessor: Environmental science teacher

Example Log: Today, my friends and I spent two hours cleaning up a local trail. We filled six bags with trash and recyclables, making the area much cleaner and more enjoyable for everyone. We’ve planned our next clean-up event for two weeks from now!

ORB Category: Environmental

ORB Subcategory: Working a clean up campaign