Award Activity Zone

Support a Cause

Zero Hunger Heroes: Fighting for a World Without Empty Stomachs! (Zero Hunger)

Are you passionate about making sure no one goes hungry? From collecting non-perishable items to volunteering at local food banks, every contribution makes a difference in the fight against hunger. Get ready to be a part of the solution and help create a future where everyone has enough to eat!

Example SMART Goal: Over the next 13 weeks, I will spend 1 hour per week volunteering at a local food bank, assisting in food distribution, meal preparation, and community outreach efforts. By the end of the volunteering period, I aim to have contributed to providing nutritious meals to families in need and raising awareness about food insecurity in our community.

Example Assessor: Food bank coordinator

ORB Category: Charity

ORB Subcategory: Food bank/Soup kitchen.

Example log for ORB: Today I helped sort and pack food donations, organized shelves, and assisted clients in selecting nutritious items for their families. It was heartening to see the impact of our work firsthand.

Example SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will spend 1 hour per week improving my cooking skills by learning to prepare five healthy and budget-friendly meals that can be replicated by families in need. I aim to learn meal planning, food preparation, and budget management for addressing hunger. I hope to make my own cookbook for these families one day.

Example Assessor: Family friend

ORB Category: Crafts

ORB Subcategory: Cookery

Example log for ORB: Today I practiced making spaghetti with marinara sauce and a side of frozen steamed vegetables. The entire meal was under 5$!

Example SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will spend one hour per week working on my walking skills to prepare for and participate in the Toronto Corporate Run 5k where we will raise funds for food insecurity.

Example Assessor: Neighbour

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Programs

ORB Subcategory: Walking

Example log for ORB: Today I walked around my neighbourhood for 1 hour. I was tired after- I had to walk up a huge hill. It felt nice though as I know I am preparing for a great cause!

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity:  Get ready for an exciting hiking or biking trip to explore community gardens and edible landscapes in your city! Learn about gardening techniques, meet local gardeners, and discuss how community gardens help promote food security and access to fresh produce. It’s like embarking on a green adventure, discovering the beauty and benefits of urban gardening while enjoying the great outdoors!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: Community garden coordinator