Activity Zone

Test Drive Your Career

Imagine turning your gaming skills into a pro esports career or your love for fashion into becoming a designer. Well, guess what? That passion of yours isn’t just for kicks—it’s your secret tool for shaping your future career! With “Test Drive Your Career,” you’re opening the door to endless possibilities while doing what you love. Get ready to use your passions to pave the way for your dream career!

Here are some activity ideas to get you started...

Pro Gamer Goals (Esports)

Are you a fan of COD, Valorant, Fortnite, Apex, and more?

Explore here
Dripped Out (Fashion)

Do you spend hours scrolling through fashion and outfit ideas on Pinterest?

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Tech Trek (Technology)

Do you spend your days cracking codes and building gadgets?

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Jack of All Trades (Skilled Trades)

Do you find joy in building, fixing, or creating with your hands?

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First Responder Flex (Healthcare)

Are you drawn to helping others in times of need or fascinated by the inner workings of the human body?

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Saddle Up (Horse Husbandry)

Do you find peace in the presence of horses or dream of being a part of their world?

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From Field to Fork (Agriculture)

Do you find joy in nurturing plants or feel at home in the acres of farmland?

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Mind Matters (Psychology)

Are you fascinated by how the mind works, why people behave the way they do, and mental health?

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