Award Activity Zone

Test Drive Your Career

Tech Trek (Technology)

Explore the thrilling world of technology and uncover careers where your passion for all things digital can launch you into orbit! From coding the next big app to building your own robots, there’s an adventure waiting for your tech-savvy skills. Get set for a wild ride as you turn your love for tech into an epic career quest!

Career Alignment:

Information Technology
Computer Science
Software Developer

How the Award will get you there:

SMART Goal: I will complete at least 10 coding challenges and projects online on Codecademy, focusing on languages such as Python and JavaScript, within the next 13 weeks. Additionally, I will create an online portfolio to showcase my completed projects, including descriptions and code samples. By the end of the 13 weeks, I aim to have a better understanding of coding.

Example Assessor: Math teacher

ORB Category: Life and vocational skills.

ORB Subcategory: Information technology.

Example log for ORB: Completed a series of coding challenges on Codecademy today, focusing on algorithms and data structures. Solved problems related to arrays and strings, improving my problem-solving skills.

SMART Goal: For 13 weeks, I will incorporate a 30-minute daily routine twice a week of neck yoga and stretches into my schedule, focusing on exercises to relieve tension and improve flexibility in neck and shoulder muscles strained from prolonged computer use.

Example Assessor: My gym teacher

ORB Category: Gym/personal programs.

ORB Subcategory: Yoga

Example log for ORB: Adjusted monitor height and chair position to achieve ergonomic workstation setup. Did stretches targeting neck, shoulder, and back muscles to alleviate tension and improve posture.

SMART Goal: Over the next 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour per week researching and gaining deeper knowledge on coding and creating/editing videos to post on YouTube and help people who don’t understand technology as well.

Example Assessor: Computer science teacher

ORB Category: Media

ORB Subcategory: Other: YouTube.

Example log for ORB: Today I’m making a video explaining a component of python that I struggled on in the beginning and explaining it in a simpler way.

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity:  Go on a treasure hunt with your smartphones! Use special apps or websites to find hidden treasures, called geocaches, all around your area. Follow clues and hints to locate them and track your progress as you explore the city. It’s like a real-life treasure hunt using technology!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: A friend’s parent who is familiar with geocaching.