Award Activity Zone

Test Drive Your Career

Jack of All Trades (Skilled Trades)

Explore the world of skilled trades and explore careers where your knack for craftsmanship can flourish! From carpentry to plumbing, there’s a vast array of opportunities waiting for your hands-on expertise. Get set to turn your passion for tinkering into a fulfilling career path!

Career Alignment:

Flooring Installer
Heavy Equipment Operator

How the Award will get you there:

SMART Goal: For 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour per week to building different items, aiming to learn basic carpentry skills and complete small construction projects.

Example Assessor: A family friend who did their own house renovations.

ORB Category: Life and Vocational Skills

ORB Subcategory: Other: Furniture making

Example log for ORB: My grandma taught me how to use a saw today. I cut pieces of wood to start my birdhouse. It was very rough, so I will be sanding the pieces down to protect the birds.

SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will dedicate 1 hour per week working on my walking. I will walk through the neighbourhood, gathering discarded furniture. I will be taking apart this furniture and salvaging usable parts and will be using them towards other projects.

Example Assessor: A family friend.

ORB Category: Gym/Personal Programs

ORB Subcategory: Walking

Example log for ORB: Walked around my neighbourhood today and found a small nightstand! I will take it apart and use it for my future projects. The walk was nice, kept up my pace and felt refreshed when I got home.

SMART Goal: For the next 13 weeks, I will volunteer 1 hour per week with Habitat for Humanity, contributing to home construction projects and supporting the community.

Example Assessor: Construction supervisor

ORB Category: Environmental

ORB Subcategory: Other: Habitat for Humanity

Example log for ORB: Helped install drywall at the Habitat for Humanity construction site today, learning about the importance of proper measurement and installation. Enjoyed working alongside volunteers.

(Completed as a team. Participants will collaboratively establish practice and qualifying journey goals together).

Example Activity:  Get ready for a camping adventure where you’ll build your own shelters! Use simple materials like tents, tarps, or wood to create cozy places to sleep. While you build, you’ll learn about how shelters are designed and put together. It’s like building your own little homes in the great outdoors!

Example Assessor or Supervisor: Outdoor education teacher