New for 2024

The Virtual Award Centre

Welcome to the Virtual Award Centre (VAC)!

Learning from 18 months of operation and feedback, we have fully revised our support model to enhance the Award experience for participants at all levels. The VAC offers an inclusive and comprehensive online support package, designed to empower young people to navigate every stage of their Award Journey with confidence.

By completing your Award through the Virtual Award Centre, you will…

Receive dedicated 1 on 1 support with trained Award Specialists.

Partner with an Award Buddy to achieve your goals together.

Navigate your Award Journey with the support of a comprehensive Award Playbook and support resources.

Participate in a Virtual Adventurous Journey with members from your cohort (if participating at the Bronze level).

Upcoming Virtual Award Cohorts

Please note: You will be assigned to a cohort on a first-come first-serve basis. You will receive your cohort start date in your confirmation email up to 2 business days after registering.

bronze Bronze

Currently filling spots for Fall 2024 Cohorts. Minimum start age is 13.5 for direct entrants.

silver Silver

Currently filling spots for Fall 2024 Cohorts. Minimum start age is 14.5 for direct entrants.

gold Gold

Currently filling spots Fall  2024 Cohorts. Minimum start age is 16 for direct entrants.

What is the Virtual Award Centre (VAC)?

The VAC offers an opportunity to complete the Award when there is no local Award Centre near you. Joining the Virtual Award Centre opens doors for many opportunities, allowing you to begin your Award journey from any location across Canada. Whether you live in an area without access to a physical Award Centre or prefer virtual participation, the VAC ensures inclusivity and accessibility for all. This support package offers a comprehensive and guided approach that maximizes your opportunity to complete the Award in a timely manner while maintaining the flexibility and participant-led choices to ensure your VAC experience is both enjoyable and rewarding.


By registering for the Award in the VAC, you will be grouped with other participants in a cohort. Your Award cohort is just like a school classroom, where you’ll meet other participants who are doing the same Award level just like you! You’ll be able to help each other, share experiences, and progress through the Award!

Some resources and tools include:

Virtual Adventurous Journey

Find all the resources to complete the Virtual Bronze Experience (VBE) component on this page. 

Adventurous Journey Navigator

Silver and Gold participants visit this webpage for all resources to get started on planning your own Adventurous Journey. 

Participant Resources Portal

Access to information and resources to support you while working on your Award here. 

Virtual Award Centre FAQ

Your go-to resource for answers to common questions about the VAC. 

And more!

At the Bronze Level

Participants are introduced to the core principles and activities of the Award over a 9-month schedule, fostering personal development and skill-building.

Learn more
At the Silver Level

Participants advance towards their journey over a 15-month period, achieving higher levels of personal development and skill development.

Learn more
At the Gold Level

Participants engage in an immersive 24-month journey aimed at significant personal growth, skill development, and community service.

Learn more

Guided Support

We merge youth development expertise with practicality and fun. As part of joining the VAC, you gain access to a structured program, that we have learned is a critical tool for success. The VAC guided-support model utilises a proven framework that integrates tools, support, and examples to enable you to maximise the benefit of doing the Award and celebrating your successes.

New for 2024: Updated Delivery Model

Learning from 18 months of operation and feedback, we have fully revised our support model to use a comprehensive, guided, support approach that maximises your opportunity to complete the Award in a timely manner while maintaining the flexibility and participant-led choices to ensure your VAC experience is both enjoyable and rewarding.

New Resources

A newly designed participant Playbook and VAC Homepage (web-based portal) that gives you digital access to everything you need to help you on your journey. Participants in the VAC will receive their own Playbook to guide them along their Award journey, typically a short time before their cohort begins. This is the all-in-one guide to complete your Bronze Award from start to finish. It includes all the essential information, detailed instructions, helpful tips, and a schedule to assist you!

Virtual Adventurous Journeys

The Bronze level VAC includes the Virtual Bronze Experience (VBE) Adventurous Journey (AJ) as a standard. Learning from our experience of running the VAC, this is seen as a significant benefit that we can offer to everyone who joins the VAC. The VBE will help navigate what is for some, the most difficult component to organise, especially for individual participants or those in areas where traditional AJs are more inaccessible. Opportunities are being explored for a Silver Virtual Experience.

Cohort and Buddy System

Through the cohort and buddy system, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers who are also navigating their Award journey. You’ll benefit from enhanced accountability and support. Your buddy, who is also participating in the Award journey, serves as a reliable companion, offering guidance, motivation, and accountability to help you stay on track and overcome challenges. 


Joining the Virtual Award Centre opens doors for many opportunities, allowing you to embark on your Award journey from any location across Canada. Whether you reside in a remote area without access to a physical Award Centre or simply prefer the flexibility of virtual participation, the VAC ensures inclusivity and accessibility for all.

Achieve Meaningful Growth

Participating in the Virtual Award Centre offers the same transformative experience and opportunities for personal growth as traditional in-person participation. Through engaging activities, skill development, and community service initiatives, you’ll cultivate essential life skills, boost your confidence, and make a positive impact.

Preparing for Real-Life Journeys

At the Bronze level in the VAC, there is a built-in Virtual Adventurous Journey that provides components that simulate real-life journeys, equipping you and your team with valuable knowledge and experience that can be applied to future adventures. Whether it’s navigating through digital landscapes, planning virtual journeys, or developing outdoor survival skills through online resources, the VAC prepares you and your team for real-world challenges and enhances your readiness for future journeys, both in virtual and physical settings. At the Silver and Gold level, participants will plan, do and review their own Adventurous Journey. Rest assured, the Virtual Award Centre experience is designed to maximize your potential and ensure that your journey towards achieving the Award remains fulfilling and impactful.

Standout Application Material

Including participation in the Award on post-secondary applications, scholarship applications, CVs, and job applications significantly enhances your profile. It serves as compelling evidence of your proactive engagement, skills, achievements, and readiness to excel in academic and professional settings.

Learn more about how you can leverage your Award for interviews, resumes, and more in your Life after the Award page!

Developing holistic skills

The Award focuses on the development of the whole person, encompassing physical fitness, skill development, community service and adventurous journeys. These activities encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, time management and communication skills. This holistic approach nurtures well-rounded individuals who are resilient, adaptable, self-confident and better equipped to navigate the complexities of the world.

Encouraging the exploration of interests and passions

The Award framework allows participants to explore their passions, interests and talents through various activities beyond the curriculum. Whether it’s sports, arts, technology, or social causes, participants have the freedom to choose activities that align with their interests, discover hidden talents and find a sense of purpose and identity. This exploration helps them develop intrinsic motivation that fosters personal growth and self-discovery.

Enhancing mental health and well-being

The Award framework encourages participants to engage in physical activities, develop hobbies and focus on personal growth. Engaging in recreational activities and pursuits can reduce anxiety, depression and burnout, fostering mental resilience and emotional stability. Furthermore, the social connections formed through experiential learning activities create a sense of belonging and support, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting overall well-being.

Enhancing mental health and well-being

The Award offers numerous opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and work collaboratively with their peers. Whether it’s leading a project or working together as a team while planning and executing a journey, students learn to communicate effectively, make decisions and develop interpersonal skills. By taking on responsibilities outside of academics, students learn to manage their time effectively, set goals, delegate tasks, motivate their peers and lead by example. These experiences cultivate essential leadership qualities that are transferable to various academic, life and professional contexts.

Improving academic performance

Participation in Award activities is typically done outside the normal classroom, and fosters learning by engaging and doing. Motivation to continue the experiential learning pathway is provided through external recognition of achievement. These activities help students to develop problem-solving, reasoning, critical and creative thinking, communication, resilience and collaborative abilities.  The Award also encourages involvement in school and community events, engagement with peers and mentors, and helps to develop a sense of being involved in one’s own education. These skills are directly transferable to the academic arena, and it is shown that students who get involved in other areas of student and community life are more likely to have a positive outlook on school and future study.

Broadening the horizons of young people

The Award provides a unique opportunity for young people to step out of their comfort zones, develop progressive habits and engage in new experiences. Participants are encouraged to challenge themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and interpersonally, which exposes them to diverse cultures, perspectives and environments. This exposure broadens their horizons and fosters empathy, leading to a more enriched and well-rounded understanding of the world.

Supporting personal independence, post-secondary and entry into the workforce

The Award fosters commitment, passion, leadership, initiative and teamwork which are highly regarded by post-secondary institutions and employers around the world. Completion of the Award demonstrates a strong ability for individuals to shape their own future by continuously setting and achieving personally challenging goals. The Award helps young people stand out, by providing them with an internationally recognized accreditation and by becoming world ready.

At the Bronze Level

The Bronze Award introduces participants to the core principles and activities of the Award, fostering personal development and skill-building. Participants follow a standard 9-month schedule outlined in a Bronze Award Playbook which they will receive a short time before their cohort begins, which serves as their all-in-one guide throughout their Award.  

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Bronze cohorts, each led by an experienced Award Leader, provide personalized guidance and support to participants. The Virtual Bronze Experience (VBE) Adventurous Journey is integrated into the Bronze level, eliminating barriers to completion and increasing accessibility for all. Participants benefit from an onboarding session, a VBE session, access to resources and a buddy assignment, providing them with the guidance and support to help them complete their Award.

Register here

At the Silver Level

In the Silver Award, participants advance their journey towards achieving higher levels of personal development and skill development. Silver extends over a 15-month period, providing participants time to engage deeply with the Award requirements and activities. 

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Participants receive personalized guidance and support within Silver cohort groups led by experienced Award Leaders. A Silver Award Playbook, received a short time before their cohort begins, serves as an all-in-one guide, offering detailed instructions, helpful tips, and a structured schedule to assist participants in completing their Award from start to finish within 15 months. Onboarding sessions, AJ workshops, access to resources and a Buddy pairing enhance the participant experience.

At the Silver level, while we do not currently offer an integrated Virtual Adventurous Journey, we have something equally exciting in store. Participants will have the fantastic opportunity to brainstorm, plan, and execute their own AJ’s!

Register here

At the Gold Level

The Gold Award is the highest level within the Award framework. Participants engage in an immersive 24-month journey aimed at significant personal growth, skill development, and community service. The extended duration allows participants to dive deeply into their chosen activities and goals, fostering a profound understanding of leadership and responsibility.

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Within Gold cohorts, participants receive personalized guidance and support from experienced Award Leaders throughout their journey. A Gold Award Playbook, received a short time before their cohort begins, provides guidance, detailed instructions, and a structured schedule to support participants in completing their Gold Award within 24 months. Onboarding sessions, an AJ workshop, a buddy assignment, and access to resources ensure participants have the necessary tools and support to navigate their Gold Award journey successfully.

At the Gold level, while we do not currently offer an integrated Virtual Adventurous Journey, we have something equally exciting in store. Participants will have the fantastic opportunity to brainstorm, plan, and execute their own AJ’s!

Register here

VAC Participant Registration Fees

The VAC guided-support model is provided almost exclusively by professional Award Canada staff. This is different from the typical model where Award staff provide guidance and support to Award Centres that provide support to youth directly. The fee structure is designed as cost recovery to ensure fairness and equity with participants who receive the Award through a pre-existing Award Centre, with any future potential ‘surplus’ used to support youth facing barriers to entry. 

We are proud to be a Service Organization/Payee of Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart. The application is available on their website. Please make sure to read eligibility, requirements, and details carefully before applying. You can also find additional information on their FAQ webpage. Fees are as follows:   

bronze Bronze participant registration

$250  including: [9 month guided-support model & tools] 

silver Silver participant registration

$350 including: [15 month guided-support model & tools] 

gold Gold participant registration –

$450 including: [24 months guided-support model & tools] 

The new VAC guided-support model is a full-service offering. Professional dedicated VAC staff provide access to online and directed training, workshops, dedicated group coaching, networked peer support, templates, and programmatic support. Specifically: 

  • Digital welcome pack and onboarding guide accessing the ORB and getting started.
  • ORB access and registration: includes an App for your phone.
  • VAC Participant Playbook that guides the participant in the steps and decision-making process to complete the Award.
  • VAC Adventurous Journey – Virtual Bronze Experience (VBE) for Bronze participants.Note: A Virtual Silver Experience is in development but not currently available or included in the VAC guided-support model. Note: There is no plan for a standard Gold Virtual AJ – this level is designed to appropriately stretch participants to discover and reach their full potential. 
  • Dedicated VAC Award Leaders with access to calendar booking for dedicated support.
  • Dedicated Remote Support Centre to provide answers to your questions and help you navigate challenges when you’re not able to address the problem directly. 

Additional ongoing support

  • For participants who require additional support beyond cohort support timeline, we are happy to offer additional ongoing support for $50.00/month, payable at the time of request.
  • It is not anticipated additional ongoing support for participants who actively work on their Award.

Register for the Virtual Award Cohort


The VAC is provided by the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Canada (Award Canada) and utilizes a combination of web-enabled materials and the Online Record Book (ORB). By submitting your registration and paying the VAC registration fee you will secure a VAC participation place in the next available enrollment period. If this conflicts with your availability, you must inform as soon as possible. Before the planned start of the assigned VAC guided-support program, to be re-assigned to another cohort on a first-come, first-served basis.